No Big Deal Gear

A boutique maker of durable, well thought out, and easy to use products that enhance your outdoor adventures.

No Big Deal Gear

The outdoor gear market is saturated with brands that are either too serious and “tactical”, or lean heavily on projecting a vague ecological stance. No Big Deal Gear aims to bring high energy and fun to the vehicle-based adventure market with thoughtfully designed and engineered offerings that don’t weigh you down.


  • Brand Identity
  • Creative Direction
  • Collateral Design
  • Website Design
No Big Deal Gear beanieNo Big Deal Gear pins
No Big Deal Gear hoodie

Brand extensions

A flat-pack fire pit was the first product from No Big Deal Gear, and that meant the website needed to focus on its unique benefits and positioning while establishing NBD as a legitimate maker. Alongside this a collection of promotional items such as apparel, pins, and stickers were designed that could be given out at trade shows as well as shipped along with the fire pit to give new owners additional ways to show their affiliation with the brand.

No Big Deal Gear website
No Big Deal Gear website
No Big Deal Gear fire pit illustration
Next project


June Oven project thumbnail