
June is a modern appliance company dedicated to bringing intelligence to the tools you use most in the kitchen.

June app collection

The founders of June recognized an opportunity for innovation in the previously overlooked kitchen appliance space, and with that brought to the world an intelligent countertop oven that combines technology and design to bring a sense of magic to the cooking experience.

With built in sensors, a camera, touchscreen, internet connectivity, and a beautiful companion app, the oven is a joy to use as the hardware and software work together to recognize the food you place inside, and recommend an appropriate cook program, meaning food is perfectly prepared.

I was brought on to create a brand, user interface, and marketing components that tell the story of the advanced design and engineering put into the oven, but also the delight it gives its users.


  • Brand Identity
  • Creative Direction
  • Collateral Design
  • Website Design
  • App Design
Calibre semibold
Calibre medium
Calibre regular
Calibre type sample
HSB 30,7,11
Rogliano light
Rogliano ultralight
Rogliano thin
Rogliano type sample
Hot Red
HSB 18,99,99

Brand extentions

June tote bagJune outdoor advertisingJune business cards
June website


The high level challenge when creating the website was to present the product in a way that balances its technical nature with its intended benefit...an improved lifestyle. Rather then present the oven floating in space followed by a long list of specifications, we chose to highlight the human aspect and show it in context, surrounded by a rich color palette.

June website image grid
June app on handheld device

The app

Another amazing component of the June ecosystem is the collection of recipes created by the culinary team exclusively for the June oven.

While the internet, and long list of available recipe apps has certainly presented a lot of options, the experience often feels like a copy and paste from cookbooks, and doesn’t address what it’s like to be active in the kitchen. We aimed to solve that by providing appropriate UX based on context. Browsing, filtering, and saving recipes is one experience. Following a recipe while performing tasks and maybe having messy hands is another.

We made it easy to follow a recipe by showing only the necessary ingredients and quantities to complete that step, without having to constantly cross reference from another view. A looping video is easy to understand and avoids the need to memorize multiple tasks.

June Oven UI
June app detail
June app detail
June app detail
June brand collection
Next project

One Roosta

One Rooster Coffee